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My mothers visions Mary Sunday, October 26, 2008


For many years, my mother has claimed to be shown things by God.  Recently, she has been telling me she was shown things about my fiance.  Such as that he was responsible for his former wife's death (she died during the last month of her pregnancy as a result of an amniotic embolism).  She has told me that she was shown things concerning her property, my brother and his family, etc.  She has even told me that she was shown a person as being black (not African American, but black as in evil).  I am unsure how to deal with this, most especially those that relate to my fiance.  She is against us getting married.

I have told her in the past that I did not want to hear any of it unless she has talked with a priest.  She refuses to speak with one and continues to tell me of her visions.

I informed her that her visions could not only be from God, but also from the devil.  She informed me that many of these visions occurred while she attended Mass and they were shown to her near the altar along with the cross.

Can you please offer me some suggestions as what I should do?  Is it possible for the devil to show the cross and show things during the Mass as such?

Also, are there any books that you can recommend that may help me with any of this?

Thank you for your help

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Mary:

Well, you do not give me much information. It would be helpful to know what her visions were about concerning her property and your brother. The type of "visions" you are describing do not sound to me like the kind of visions that normally comes from God -- but more information is needed to really offer an opinion on that.

In any event, as to your question, yes, it is possible to have false visions even when at Mass or before the Blessed Sacrament or before the altar or even while receiving the Eucharist. Her visions can have five possible sources: 1) from God; 2) from the devil; 3) from mental illness; 4) from other psychological causes such as delusions; and 5) a conscious lie. (4 and 5 can happen to perhaps get attention, to feel special, or to manipulate people).

Your request is a prudent one. She should cease these alleged visions until she can speak with wise priestly adviser. Anyone who thinks they are receiving visions MUST be under spiritual direction. It is too easy to delude oneself or misinterpret the experience.

Those who refuse to come under spiritual direction I would suspect do not have genuine experiences.

Father Benedict J. Groeschel wrote a book that needs to be read by anyone who thinks they are receiving visions or other mystical experiences. It is called, A Still, Small Voice: A Practical Guide on Reported Revelations.

I would suggest you get this book and read it to inform yourself about these things, and then give it to your mother to read. 

If you mother refuses to read the book and refuses to see a priest about this, then you have every right to tell her to stop talking to you about her alleged visions.

If she refuses to respect your wishes and tells you about her alleged visions anyway, you may have to exercise tough love and tell her that you will not visit or talk to her until she respects your request -- even to the point of not inviting her to your wedding.

I know that sounds harsh, but to indulge her dysfunction behavior only encourages her to continue with it and with her disrespect toward you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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