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all family in trouble Constance Monday, October 27, 2008


Hello, I have writen to you several times and you have helped me a lot. I am involved with (platonic) a man who has been with a witch for about seven years. When she found about our love she started with some awful attacs and I really suffered. I somehow managed to protect myself, at least I have stopped seeing demons, although I do not feel quite well at times, but it could be just because I am not with him.

I knew that almost each member of his family had health issues but I was concentrated on him. I have made friends with his niece, she is only sixteen, and she has revealed some akward things that she has experienced although i have not told her anything about my experience.She is too young and I am her teacher etc. I have heard about her mother's problems with health, both psychical a physical. Now her condition has worsened. Doctors cannot find any "real" disease. I only know that she strongly opposes to her brother's relationship and she shows it as much as I do. I am afraid to talk to her because we are not that close and I do not know how she would take it since she has been hospitalized for psychical issues several times.

I pray every day for every member of our families. Nothing seems to help, at least not to her. And she is a mother of three children.

 What else could I do to protect, to help. I am really worried sick for all of us. Can somebody really die due to some witchcraft. Help me please, pray for us I beg you in the name of Jesus! Thank you and God bless.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Constance:

Based upon your descriptions there is a possibility that the witch has cast a curse upon you and on his family.

This man needs to terminate his relationship with this witch if he has not already done so. Any objects that this witch may have given him, or you, probably ought to be destroyed. Food prepared by this witch ought not to be eaten. And any further contact with the witch where she may be able to collect personal items from you, him, or the family ought to be terminated.

In our Spiritual Warfare Catalog you will find various prayers that may be useful to you. I would certainly recommend the Breaking Spells and Curses prayer. Also the Hedge Prayer of Protection. If you suspect any demonic harassment then also use the Rebuking Particular Spirits prayer.

The fundamental requirement that needs to be established before these prayers is that you, he, his family all be sure to be living a devout Christian life. That means going to Church weekly, prayers, devotions, good works, and all that it means to be a good Christian. Without this foundation of faith the spiritual warfare prayers have little use.

I would recommend the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance found in the HELP section linked below.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.