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disrespectful atheists Josephine Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hello Bro. Ignatius,

Josephine here again with another query.

I recently heard from Robert Ritchie,'America Needs Fatima' perhaps you are familiar with this? He is protesting some very nasty atheistic videos that have been appearing on YOUtube.
I must admit I tuned in, and if it wasn't so nasty it would be amusing.

If they dont believe in God, why are they so nasty to those of us who do, oh they point out some arguments about how 'religion' has been the cause of so many wars and deaths, and rally on about this and that. My question is, could these people be 'demonized' or just exercising their God given 'free will' With all the 'evidence' pointing to Divine Creation, how can they feel this way? thank you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Josephine:

Some of those people might be demonized, but one does not have to be demonized to be nasty toward God and Religion.

The intensity of their hatred, I believe, is borne out of a fear and resentment of religion. God tells us that He has written on the hearts of all men a basic knowledge of Himself. This means that these atheists, really deep down, know that God exists but they refuse to acknowledge Him, or their own knowledge of Him.

They resent that fact that God does exist and that God has planted that knowledge within them. This breeds a fierce hatred which seeks to lash out at anything remotely about God.

The so-called comedian Bill Maher, the posterboy of hatred toward religion, is an example of this. You can see in his face that he is tormented and bitter. He is rather pathetic and sad.

The bottomline is that the lashing out at religion is a diversionary tactic. It diverts their attention away from what they deep down know to be true -- God exists.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary  

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