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Tony Robbins Bernice Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hi. I have recently been given a cd of a Tony Robbins seminar about health, and am wondering if you know of him and his 'Unleash the Power' seminars. He is a popular motivational speaker.

The next cd (which I don't have) is about controlling emotions. I suffer from anxiety that stems from one particular issue that I have sought healing from but which reoccurs. I am uneasy about Robbins teachings (often self-help stuff just makes me feel more anxious) and I have been advised by my confessor not to get into these sorts motivational speakers as it takes us away from Jesus. So, I will follow his advice of course.

But I was wondering firstly if you knew anything about Robbins, and secondly, how can I be free from my complaint? I don't know whether it is a form of oppression or just my psychological temperament. My confessor says thoughts like this will always come, I don't know whether he means my particular anxious thoughts or temptations in general. How can I ever be free from this particular suffering?

God Bless you,


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Bernice:

Robbins is a typical motivational speaker. He got his fame from seminars in which participates walk barefoot over hot ashes -- firewalking. His methods and ideas are not consistent with Christianity and thus Christians ought to avoid him.

As for your personal situation I really cannot adise you much without the details. In general, and remember this is in general, anxiety stems from problems trusting God and also from pride.

For example, God has made promises to us. Two of his promises are that he will make lemonade out of the lemons in our life (all things work together for good...) and that he will not allow anything to come into our lives that we cannot handle. God promises these things and God does not lie. He keeps His promises. Thus, anxiety stemming from these things is a distrust that God tells the Truth.

Without knowing the details, I would recommend reading and contemplating Psalm 22 and the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) daily. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells us to not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself and today has enough troubles as it is.

When thoughts that you do not want come to mind, do not entertain them but do what St. Paul teaches, "take captive every thought in obedience to Christ". Say outloud, if you are in position to do so, "I reject these anxious thoughts. Remove them from me Lord and give me a spirit of peace."

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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