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Demonization Marie Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Dear Bro. Ignatius Mary,

I am not Catholic, but I am discerning the faith. However, during this time, I have been starting to experience very strong demonic attacks. Generally at night, around 3am, I wake up and I can feel an evil presence all around. It is physically holding me down and I can't speak, I have to struggle to breath, I can't move. I don't have any physical control; I have only mental control. This will usually last for minutes (since I can't move I am not able to time the event). I only know it happens around 3am because I look afterward. I have to mentally and physically (from within) struggle until I slowly gain control over my body and the devil leaves.

This has happened to me in the past, when I was seeking out God, but it became intense and I stopped my search for faith; I wasn't bothered by the demons again (until now - as I am searching/learning again). This time I am so much closer to God, faith, and joining the Catholic Church - but I am also having these demonic attacks almost nightly. When I don't have them, I am dreaming about being attacked. It is scary and confusing. I am praying for help but beyond that I don't really know what to do or who to talk to since I don't have much of a religious background (and especially not a Catholic one). I have looked at the St. Pio website's self-help section, but since I am actually working on making my life better and being closer to God which is what has "started" the attacks by satan it isn't the most helpful information. I feel so ready to give up because I feel alone in this battle. What can I do?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Marie:

I praise God that you are discerning the Catholic Church. We will be in prayer for your discernment and pray that you do enter the Church.

What you are describing is relatively common. The devil will often attack us when we are making major steps toward God. The motive of the devil, of course, is to keep you from advancing toward God. The devil apparently succeed with you in the past. Do not let him succeed this time.

The Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance is helpful in that you need to be sure your life is without any hooks that demons can grab onto to stay in your life. Issues of unforgiveness, pride, rebellion are major hooks that can give demons an excuse to stay in our lives.

We need to live the good Christian life, doing all that a devout Christian should do: Sunday Mass, daily prayer and devotions, charity and love, good works, etc.

That is the foundation for all else in spiritual warfare.

Now to the specifics of your situation. It appears that the harassment you are experiencing is at night while in bed. In our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below you will find a Bedtime Prayer of Protection. I would advise that you pray that nightly.

In addition to that it would be advisable to pray a Rosary before going to bed. The Bedtime Prayer of Protection can follow the Rosary.

Other Spiritual Warfare prayers that may help are the Hedge Prayer of Protection, and perhaps even the Rebuking Particular Spirits.

If you are awaken by an attack, say in your mind if you cannot say it verbally, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, be gone." Keep repeating that until it leaves. Then say a few "Hail Mary's" before going back to sleep.

If awaken by a dream, say a few Hail Mary's before going back to sleep.

You may also want to repeat the Bedtime Prayer of Protection before going back to sleep.

Try this advice and see if there is any improvement.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.