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cursed strangely as a child RosaMaria Thursday, November 6, 2008


Hello, Brother Ignatius, Hope you're very well. Firstly, thank you very much for your answer me my letter of October 19th. It helps to direct me in my life actions and cleared up things, too.

I have many questions about my, in many ways, strange up-bringing, but will ask you a couple for now at least and hoping you could shed some light on them, please.

Firstly, my mother did have an abortion before I was born, and as a young woman in my twenties would have terrible dreams of being in an enclosed, dark place and feeling TERROR somethng wanted to kill me, and crying out "mommy, mommy"!! Then I remembered also dreaming of a large, white dog, baring his teeth and growing at me, and I feeling it wanted to attack me and tear my throat out, and then I would pray, in the dream, the immaculate conception prayer, O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, and only after 3 or 4 times of crying this out desperately did the dog become calm and docile, and turn and walk away.

I mentioned this to a priest once, who said it sounded like a "fantasy", but I believed it was my response to my mother's also having thought of aborting me, from her brother-in-laws' suggestions.

Many strange occurrances have happened in my growing up, perhaps to my sister as well. One I especially remember is when being 12 yrs.old, my mother handing my first cup of coffee to my father and whispering to him something, then he handing coffee to me, drinking the coffee. Later on I became violently opposed to attending the Mass sundays, rebellious, other things of sexual nature.

Was wondering if you have ever heard of this type of thing and could it have been a sort of curse? Also, once I have heard my mother come to my room and sounding like a serpent, as a snake does with its tongue. She may have been sleep walking. I would appreciate any thoughts you may have. Thank you in advance!...RosaMaria

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear RoseMaria:

I am sorry that you have had these experiences. The dreams may have been a direct result of the anxiety from knowing your mother wanted to abort you -- a sort of post traumatic stress disorder reaction. But, given the whole context that you describe, the dreams may have been demonic in nature. The effects of your prayer during these dreams is also suggestive of a demonic event.

What you describe happened to you when you were twelve is suggestive of a curse. Perhaps your parents were secret witches or satanists. One of the primary ways to place a spell or curse upon someone is to place something in a drink or in food. What you describe is suggestive of this especially because of what happened to you afterward. That you were twelve at the time is also significant in that witches and Satanists have a motivation to cast spells and curses upon those who are at the age of puberty.

I would certainly suggest that you pray the Prayer to Renounce Ancestral Sins found in the Prayer Catalog linked below. Also Breaking Spells and Curses and the Hedge Prayer of Protection. Use any of the other prayers that are needed.

We will certainly be in prayer for you to be free from any curse your parents may have placed upon you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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