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Re: Can Catholics be gifted like mediums? P.S. Lisp Monday, November 10, 2008


If I may provide a basis for understanding the Roman Empire was converted by pareidolia; namely and literally by Constantine’s cross. The reason you are blind to it is that science can at best describe the material basis for it (the medium) and not the spiritual message.

Truth is truth and poverty is poverty.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Lisp:

We normally do not allow two followups to questions since this is not a discussion board, but I will answer this to clarify issues.

The Roman Empire was not converted by pareidolia. Pareidolia is a natural phenomenon caused by the way the brain processes images. The Cross of Constantine was a vision from God. It was supernatural and not a nature phenomenon of the brain.

And, my dear, we are not blind to these issues. Science is not at odds with faith and spirit. Science, properly performed, is merely a empirical examination and explanation of the creation of God. It is limited to what is observable and empirically explainable.

When someone reports seeing the Blessed Mother, for example, in the clouds, on a window, or on a piece of toast the first presumption must be that it is the pareidolia phenomenon because that is the most logical and probable explanation. That does not mean that we write off the experience. Supernatural phenomenon is also possible. But, we do as the Church does -- look for natural explanations first and then consider spiritual ones. That is the prudent, reasonable, and responsible approach.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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