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Re: anxiety Simon Sunday, August 1, 2004


Good to see your site back up - I hope you don't mind me placing some thoughts on this subject if you feel it may help the previous contributors.

I have suffered with anxiety (medically diagnosed) for around 8 years now. In some profound way I think God has used it in my life to bring me closer to Him (I was a lapsed Catholic for around 11 years). The illness unmasked the illusion of my self sufficiency, and by God's grace I returned back to Him and His Church during an 18 month period of psychotherapy.

I still live with anxiety, regularly use medication, and am able to work, and I've found that there are benefits: I now am more aware than ever before of my need for God, and I feel that through this illness, He is gradually opening up my heart to Him and to those I come accross in my daily life. And in some mysterious way, I know that at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist especially as well as in my life generally, my offering of this cross takes on an eternal significance in God's plan.

I have also found the sacrament of reconciliation to be of great healing value since my return to the Church, and am reminded of a quote by G K Chesterton which goes something like this: 'psychoanalysis is like confession without the absolution!' I hope the above is useful for you as you discern God's plan for your life:)

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Simon:

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I had the same sort of experiences -- coming closer to God BECAUSE of my illness and ridding myself of hte delusion of self-sufficiency.

God is so wonderful. If we lose something in one part of our life, like health, He gives us something great in another area of our life.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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