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Credit to God Matt Monday, August 2, 2004


I was wondering if in the case of things such as Reiki and psychic phenomena, that if one were to give the credit to God for allowing and facilitating ones use of the abilities it would absolve a person of any sin related with their practice?

Is it possible that if one can allow God to work through you and to use such talents towards a higher good, i.e. using psychic talents to ward off evil spirits, or reiki to heal someone in God's name?

Aren't there gifts that are given to people from God if one reliquishes control of their life to God and has perfect faith, as in laying of hands and tongues. Could these other occult abillities be attributed in the same way, to God in order to make them holy, an addmitance that power and ability come from nowhere but directly from God himself?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Matt:

The answer to your question is not just "no" but ABSOLUTELY "no". God condemns psychic divination and activities like Reiki. We can fool ourselves in thinking we are doing this in God's name, but we are not.

Think about this a minute. There have been people out there who murdered "in the name of Jesus". Does God approve of this. Absolutely not.

One of the central tenets of Christian thought is that the "ends do not justify the means." Thus even is something appears to be good coming out of Reiki or psychic divination, it is still bad. We must be concerned not only with the outcome, but HOW we got that outcome.

God does not work through psychic divination or Reiki and thus trying to give Him credit for something he is not going to do is just a rationalization to excuse oneself in their rebellion against God by involving themselves in such activities.

There are gifts that God gives to people. These gifts sometimes have similar aspects to them as occult and psychic abilities; that is because such abilities are based on the same spiritual principles.

The BIG difference, however, is that any gift from God is a gift from God, not a obtaining a gift for oneself (or from the devil). The gifts from God are unadulterated and pure. Also God's gifts are used specifically to glorify God and to build-up the Church. Psychic divination and Reiki spit on God and tears down the Church, glorifies only oneself, and leads people away from trust and faith in the True God.

The devil simply takes the spiritual principles that God created and twists them around, corrupts them, and counterfeits them to be used for his own purposes. He then seduces people into believing that his counterfeit gifts are "godly". Don't fall into that trap Matt.

There is no such thing as a "Christian psychic".

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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