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life in the spirit seminar stacey Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Can you give me any information as to what the Life in the Spirit Seminar is all about? A woman from my former prayer group began to get very pushy with me about attending this seminar with her last year. She told me that she felt that God was impressing upon her that I needed to attend. I responded that I had no desire to go nor did I have any inkling whatsoever from God that he wanted me to go. Actually my intuition was to stay away from it. I don't know that much about it but would appreciate your opinion. Thanks, and God Bless

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Stacey:

The Life in the Spirit Seminars "consists of a series of talks designed to help people realize the power of the Holy Spirit that is available for every aspect of their lives." Charismatic literature explains that "we receive the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Through what is called the baptism in the Holy Spirit, a personal conversion experience, the power that is the Holy Spirit is released within us."

This sounds perfectly fine, except for the terminology of "baptism of the Holy Spirit" which is improperly borrowed from the Pentecostals. Our "baptism" of the Holy Spirit is receive is during the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.

While Catholic Charismatics will tell you that one does not need to speak in tongues, the subtle message is that tongues is very important and is specifically encouraged. Usually during the Seminar there will be a time when people can have hands laid on them to find the "release of the Holy Spirit" (a concept not found in Scripture or Church Fathers) and in which tongues is a high expectation, even if not required.

Often leaders will justify the promotion of tongues (the least of the gifts according to St. Paul) as the easiest one to attain and the gateway to the other gifts. This notion is utter nonsense and cannot be supported by Scripture, the Church writings, or any writings of the Saints.

This emphasis on tongues as a gateway is very dangerous for it can be a gateway -- to demonic bondage as tongues is easily counterfeited by the devil. There are many examples of this, a few that I detail in the essay linked below.

Nevertheless, what about the Renewal as a whole? The Renewal can be a major asset to the Church if the Renewal stays 100% Catholic. Unfortunately, the Renewal falls short of that 100% and borrows much from the flawed theology of Pentecostals.

You experienced another abuse of the Renewal by this person coming up to tell that God was telling her that you needed to attend the Seminar. If God wanted this why wasn't He telling you! Many people in the Renewal seem to think they have a person red phone to God. Such subjective, emotional, and arrogant attitudes is what gets them into trouble.

The idea of the Renewal may be positive, however, with major problems caused by individual leaders. Bishop Edward P. Cullen of Allentown made this observation:

"I don’t see any weaknesses intrinsic to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. In its actual practice, however, (dys)function can and has arisen. I found that such dysfunctions flowed from some flaw in those who carry leadership responsibility in the movement."

For a complete discussion on the pros and cons of the Renewal and an explanation of the Pentecostalisms that tend to contaminate the Renewal see the article, Charism Gifts Building Up The Church (pdf file).

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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