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Catechism and dogma maryjean Thursday, January 22, 2009


Dear brother,
My sisters and I get together each month to say the rosary, this has been our practice for several years now. My oldest sister, who joins us frequently often raises the issue of spiritualism, thinking it a benign practice which helps others.

Our many attempts at trying to convince her otherwise have so far failed.

I see from a previous post which mentions Fr.Corapi's comments and your reply to it, that my sister may be harbouring heretical beleifs while still attending the sacraments.

Are articles 2115 - 2117 of the Catechism known as "dogma"?

(I was never taught the catechism at school, though she was.)

I am not sure if she sees this in black and white that it will convince her that "Catholicism" is not a " supermarket" religion where you can pick and choose your beliefs.

We all care very much for her, and are praying for her. We are concerned that she may have other spiritual issues, as she seems to enjoy the disruption it causes when she mentions these things.

Thankyou for all you do here - may God bless and protect you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Maryjean:

The teachings of the Catechism paragraphs 2115-2117 are not dogmas. Thus, one is not a heretic if believing or doing that activity. But, that teaching is a description of a violation of the First Commandment. It is grave sin.

There is nothing benign about sinning against the First Commandment. Sinning against the First Commandment is the worse sin possible. Your sister is risking her soul to involve herself in any form of spiritualism. If she takes delight in the disruption caused by this subject then perhaps some tough love needs to be applied.

In any event, this is a serious thing and she needs to be slapped upside the head to knock her out of this nonsense. I might add that if she refuses to obey the Church teaching on this, then she cannot receive the Eucharist. If she receives the Eucharist anyway, then they commits a sacrilege against the Eucharist, another grave sin.

We will certainly be in prayer for her and for you and your other sisters in dealing with this.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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