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Attack John Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hi Bro. Ignatius, im john from the philipppines. I find your site very informative keep up the good work.

I have a question regarding my experience a few weeks back. It was around 3-4am, i was pinned down on my bed face down, and when I was trying to look back I saw something like a formless being that was quite like a smoke and luminous, and as I was looking back it force my head to turn back so as not to look at him. It seems it doesnt want me to look at him. I think I know what it was but im not sure, it was shocking but i was not afraid i was not dreaming thats for sure, i struggled to get up and was quite tired. It happened prior to my going to confession. And everytime I pray the rosary something bad happens, what could it be? Thanks and God bless you Bro. Ignatius.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear John:

Well, the devil has a vested interest in you not attending confession and not praying the rosary. I imagine these are attacks upon you in a vain attempt to keep you from God.

Rebuke these evil spirits and ask God to cast them away from you. Persevere in the faith and in your prayer regardless of what happens.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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