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Re:wiccan question (yet again) pregnancy and Confirmation sponsors vs. mediums/psychic bec Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hi again Brother,

I don't normally "Re" anything, but I wanted to say or ask that even if my husband doesnt practice wicca himself and carries the satchel with him its still considered witchcraft? (I dont think i mentioned either that he's not Catholic, hes Methodist. His grandmother wants to take him and his little brother to church - its the only church he seems more excited and happy and open to going to than mine. at this point, i think ANY church would be a good start for him in the right direction! what do you think? do you think it would help him get over this whole wiccan junk?)

everything else is pretty do-able so far as saying 'no' and not going to the wiccans house.

the leaving thing is not so easy...we live at my parents house that we are renting and my parents are living in australia (they followed me there lol) other family are all psychic-crazy and make me nuts (not that i don't love them, but i can't be around them for very long without wanting to leave...or scream lol. its just their nature and intensity that was always around even when they werent into psychic junk!)...soooooo it's a bit of a stuck pickle jar. also, my husband might be going to afghanistan in a year or so and i might go to australia with our baby while hes overseas to spend good time with my family and friends.

What about what it says in the Bible about holy wives that sanctify their husbands (or something along those lines)? any ideas?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Bec:

Your husband may not be a witch himself but he is participating and cooperating in witchcraft with his association with this woman and in carrying this satchel.

If you need to leave, since you are at your parents house, then he will have to leave the property. Your primary duty is to your child. Raising your child in a witchy environment is not acceptable in my view. If you husband does not abandon this nonsense for the sake of the child, then I think there needs to be a separation.

The Biblical notion you refer to I think is from Ephesians talking about husbands sanctifying their wives. In any event wives can be instrumental in bringing their husband to the Faith, but no woman has to submit herself and/or her children to physical, emotional, or spiritual danger.

I he begins to attend Church, any Church, that is a step in the right direction. Pray about it and ask Jesus and do as He instructs you.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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