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Experiences from God? Beth Sunday, August 8, 2004


I would like to start out by saying that I love this website and pray for the work being done. In today's society, this work is very much needed. May God continue to bless all of you and your work.

I'm going to keep this post at a minimum because I could probably fill pages with the "experiences" I've had all my life. Here's my question:

How does one know that they are having TRUE locutions or visions from God? I've had dreams of Satan telling me to get down on my knees and worship him....I replied (in my dream) that I worship God and to leave me in the name of Jesus Christ.....after which I immediately was awake. I've had dreams of deceased loved ones telling me that they love me, sometimes they are even accompanied by Jesus. I've had dreams of Mother Mary, and of Jesus. I've seen "things", felt "things", been awakened numerous times by someone calling my name, I've had mysterious "things" show up in pictures I've taken, I can sense the presence of good AND evil....and the list goes on and on.

Two years ago, I contacted Fr. Michael Scanlon from the Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH (I live near there) and explained my "experiences". He suggested to me that I was experiencing locutions from God. He also suggested a book titled "Visions" (I can't remember the name of the author...I'd check, but I loaned the book to a friend). I read the book and continued to have MORE experiences. When I have the experiences, I pray. I've used many of the prayers on this website.

Do you have any advice for me in dealing with these experiences? I don't practice ANYTHING except Catholicism.

Thank you and my God continue to bless your work!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Beth:

Thank you for your kind words about our apostolate. I praise God that we can be helpful to people.

I would recommend the book by Father Groeschel called A Still, Small Voice: A Practical Guide on Reported Revelations. This book gives advice to people who have experiences like these.

In general one of the first tests of a private revelation is whether or not it conforms to Church teaching. If anything in the locution, apparition or whatever contradicts or resists Church teaching, then it is not from God.

What you described in this post sounds okay, but you need to double-check all such experiences with a Spiritual Director who understands this sort of phenomena. This is very important for anyone having mystical experiences and private revelations.

Father Groeschel goes into detail of what one should do when having mystical experiences.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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