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Maria Esperanza Luis Sunday, August 8, 2004


Hello Bro. Ignatius,

I was just wondering if you have any opinion on the Venezuelan, Maria Esperanza. She is written on quite a bit on the site of Michael Brown. Be HONEST here! ( Nothing you'd have to go to confession for, by being too PC) :-)


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Luis:

Me, PC, blasphemy!! :)

I know next to nothing about Betania and Maria Esperanza.

By the way, Maria died last Saturday. May her soul rest in peace.

As far as I know Betania was a legit, but the Church has not ruled as yet as far as I know. I do know several people who have been to Batania and report positive things.

But I really cannot comment since I really do not know. In general I pay little attention to apparitions and private revelations, especially if the Church has not decided upon them yet.

Of the private revelations I have read about, and the messages I have read, I have yet to learn one single thing of significance to my faith that I could not have learned from the Bible, Sacred Tradition, and the Saints.

I think if people spent as much energy reading the Bible, the Saints, and the documents of the Church as they do chasing after apparitions, or reading messages and promoting apparitions, that we could have a whole army of well-trained evangelists to convert the world. But, instead we have people spending huge amounts of energies and money on superfluous and unnecessary Private Revelations that the Church says we do not even have to believe in and for which are unnecessary for our salvation or our spiritual growth (though they might be helpful, they are not necessary).

How's that for PC? :)

...I can "hear" the tapping of the keyboards around the world now preparing scathing emails to send to me :)

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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