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demon with a cloak of stars Gerald Thursday, March 5, 2009


I am writing because I have seen a demon that I hope you can tell me more about. It was very large (it filled an entire room), it wore a cloak with a portion of the night sky on it, and it wore a mask which was given meaning by the person looking at it. It had several lesser demons under its control which resembled different parts of various animals put together in strange ways. It seemed to hold the spirits of young people in a perpetual state of panic very near to it. I've guessed that this was a source of nourishment for the thing. It attacked me twice, first with its lessers then itself. I've never felt anything as hopeless as the idea of protecting myself against that thing. In the end I was rescued by an outside intervention. If you have any information about the things I have described, I would appreciate your time and response. Thank you and may God bess you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Gerald:

It is not important for you to know the details of any demon. In fact, it can be dangerous to pursue a curiosity about such details.

It is enough to know that it is a demon so that you can pray accordingly. Otherwise the only other information that can be useful is to know the attribute of the demon (e.g., demon of hate, demon of lust, demon of fear, etc.). If there is such an attribute the we can identify then the prayers can be specific to that attribute, such as, "Father in heaven, rebuke this demon of lust". If there is no identifiable attribute, then referring to the demon as "demon" (or "the demon in front of me) in our prayers will suffice.

Any other information beyond that is not necessary for us.

By the way, demons are pure spirits so they do not have physical bodies or any material appearance. They are able to manifest an appearance to us in any way they want -- usually in a way that will scare us or relate to our expectations. The same demon can appear to you in one way, and in a completely other way to me.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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