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Friendship Kayla Friday, March 6, 2009


Dear Br. Ignatius Mary,

I have a friend of several years, who claims to be Christian (Seventh Day Adventist), but does not practice her religion.

She and her family drink a lot, use foul language, and sees no problem with the pre marital sex of her children, or of their occasional drug use (using meth to lose weigh,etc). For some time I had no problem with the differences in our moral standards and lifestyles. But recently I am losing interest in our friendship and wonder if it would be wise to continue it.

Any thoughts or advice would be welcome.

In Jesus and Mary,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Kayla:

We need to remember that one way the devil can exploit us is if we are careless about the people we choose to be our friends and those to whom we hang around. Our own inclinations, apart from the devil, can also get us in trouble if we hang around the wrong people.

We need to be circumspect and prudent in our decisions of friends and those we hang around.

Since you are discerning a religious vocation this is even more important for you to do than for the average person.

Your growing lack of interest in this relationship may be the Holy Spirit informing your conscience about what I just said above.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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