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kick-boxing exercises Ron Monday, March 16, 2009


Dear Brother Ignatius,
I used to exercise to a popular kick-boxing DVD which helped me lose weight and get into shape. But one thing I did not like about it was that during the warm-ups and cool-downs the instructor talked about making a ball out of the air surrounding your mid-section, that is, making a ball out of energy centered over one's gut. The instructor would ask us to move this ball, as if it had real substance, from left to right and so on. There were other types of stretching, breathing, and insight that this instructor "preached" that sounded spiritual in nature. Do you know if the energy ball exercise is derived from yoga?

As a teenager, many years ago, I lost 50 pounds one summer by doing yoga and by controlling what I ate. I honestly believe that through this yoga a demonic influence was introduced into my life. I had learned yoga from a TV show and there was one instance where I was "displaced", while being instructed. What I mean is, in what I thought was just a few seconds, 10 minutes had passed and I was physically in a different position on the floor from where I started. It was if I had not moved, but the room moved.

From that time on until my late twenties I had to battle demons who held me down in my bed, uttered curses, and caused dissention between me and my wife to be. I also became interested in occultic matters; not that I wanted to delve into those religions, but I wanted to know about them, which as you have stated before, can be very dangerous. For this reason, I believe, a demon showed itself to me once--the scariest moment in my life.

Luckily these attacks ended when I returned to attending mass regulary and got rid of occultic books, and that was almost 20 years ago.

So I wanted to know if I exercise to this kick-boxing DVD again, can I ignore the energy-ball part, or do you think this is harmless? Or should I just find another exercise program? I don't want to see a demon again!

Thank you and God bless.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Ron:

I am glad to hear that you abandoned yoga and the like. The fact that the attacks went away when you got rid of the materials and began attending Mass regularly. The Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confession are powerful in deliverance.

The "energy-ball" exercise in your kick boxing DVD is not harmless. Any idea of manipulating "energies" is something we need to avoid like the plague. There is nothing wrong with kick boxing itself, but it must be done without the "energies" nonsense to avoid opening doors that you do not want opened.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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