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famous hauntings stacey Thursday, March 26, 2009


I was reading an editorial the other day about a movie called A Haunting in Conneticut. The present owner of the house said that they had experienced no supernatural occurrences whatsoever and that the house actually had a very pleasant, comfortable atmosphere. I've heard of other occupants of some of these so-called famous hauntings who moved in after the previous owners(who were supposedly the ones affected) say the same things and could not understand what all of the hoopla was about.

When I experienced the infestation and demonic oppression in my previous residence some of my family members stated that they felt very uncomfortable about being in the house and others never experienced it. My sister-in-law refused to visit and stated that when she was over there that she always felt like "something was about to reach out and grab me." My aunt also never liked to visit and told me she sensed something unclean there. Of course I experienced and saw alot and hated to be in my own house. I would stay away till I was exhausted then I would come home to sleep. I would then be up and out of the house by 5am and believe me I am not a morning person. That's how much I hated being there.

My brother, mother, and father never felt anything out of the ordinary and couldn't understand why the rest of us did. I know that you were never involved in any of these famous cases and therefore couldn't give any specifics about what was really going on.

The question I'm asking is why do certain families or individuals experience this and others do not?It makes you feel crazy and isolated when others don't experience the same things and don't have a clue as to what your going through.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Stacey:

In some cases the demons leave with the family, or just leave for somewhere else, rather than stay with the house. 

In houses where current phenomena is occurring yet not everyone experiences it, the demons may choose who to harass and who not to harass. Some people may be more susceptible or sensitive to the demonic presence than others.

We must remember that evil can be arbitrary with no reason for doing this or that. It can be just plain random.

Oftentimes demons may harass one person in the house, but no one else. This increases the harassment in that when others don't believe it the person can begin to think they are nuts. Demons love to manipulate people in that way.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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