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Strange light Scott Friday, March 27, 2009


Hi Brother,

In my basement, there has been a speck of bright light on the carpet that showed up a couple of times. It was early in the morning and completely dark outside, and the only the light on was the light at the top of the stairs. The light appeared in an area of the basement where the light from upstairs could not get to.

When I would investigate it, I would put my hands over all angles of this light to try to shadow it out, but it remained constant. The best way to describe what I am talking about is that this speck of light seemed to have it's own source, as I could not darken it. This hasn't happened in a while, but I often wonder what this could have been.

Have you ever heard of something like this?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Scott:

I have not heard of this specifically but there are thousands of possible paranormal phenomena.

I would say generally that assuming there was no source of light that you missed, which is possible, or some other unusual natural phenomenon, that it may have been a paranormal manifestation. Such manifestation would not be from God.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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