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Baptist to Catholic Wennie Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hi Bro. Ignatius,

I've now on my second day reading your forums and have already learned a lot.

Hi Bro. Ignatius,

May the peace of Lord Jesus be with you!

I was born a Catholic and have no idea about other religions. I was just curious from reading one of your answers posted that you were originally a Baptist, how and WHY were you converted to Catholicsm? I hope you don't mind me asking because sometimes I ask what is the difference between Catholics and Protestants. Sometimes it looks it is more fun to be on the other side as Catholics can be very strict.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Cheers and God Bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Wennie:

As you can see I am a little behind on the Q&As. Thus, I cannot get into telling my story in detail right now. Briefly, the reason I converted from a Baptist minister to a Catholic because the Bible lead me to the Catholic Church. Specifically Matthew 16, backed up by Isaiah 22:21-23 and the teaching of Jesus on the Eucharist in John 6, and historical facts about first century popes convince me that the Catholic Church was indeed the Church that Jesus personally founded. That being the case, there was little choice but to convert since that meant that all churches and denominations outside of the Catholic Church are either man-made or not in the fullness of the faith.

The passage in Matthew where Jesus said he would build his Church (not churches) upon Peter and Peter would have the keys to the kingdom and whatever he locked would be locked and whatever he unlocked would be unlocked is a quotation from Isaiah 22.

The passage in Isaiah 22 is about the succession of the office of prime minister who was to be the father (pope) of the nation and would hold the keys of the kingdom. Jesus is the king, but a king has his prime minister.

God has always operated with a prime minister since the Fall. Moses was a Prime Minister (pope) of God. With the new covenant came a new prime minister -- Peter and his successors.

In John 6 Jesus spoke literally about the nature of the Eucharist. It is not symbolic. Proof of that is when most of his disciples left him because they could not accept this teaching. Those disciples took it literally. And, Jesus did not call out to them to say, "Hey guys, I was only speaking symbolically, come back." Instead Jesus turned to his beloved Twelve, standing firm on his teaching to even risk losing the Twelve and said, "Are you going to leave me too?" Peter replied, "Lord, where would we go, for you have the words of eternal life."

Once I understood that, where could I go, but home to the Catholic Church under the Prime Minister of Jesus the King, the Pope.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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