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Automatic annulments and thus unGodly marriages Raphael Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Having read in Fatima messages how there are many marriages 'that are not of God' ( if I remember the phrase right) and realising how priests can sustain automatic excommunication and sometimes at the discretion of a Bishop even for minor things, a priest can be let go of his priestly role ,what have come to mind is, could there be such a possibilty in many marriages now a days and could that explain the struggles of many where the Sacrament was never valid or has lost graces and the enemy rule of one trying to rule and the other getting frustrated over the unmet longings etc: all get played out !

Then there is also the verse about the enemy out to make war on the children of The Woman and could some of those wars be even in families !

Since in priestly excommunication it can only be lifted by Rome in certain conditions, could there not be similar (and yet unrecognised even ) situations in marriages too !

Bringing this up so that couples could have that light of truth to be more realistic in certain situations and search for ways to get help or be more compassionate and try to trust in God instead of expecting too much change in those around - till it happens in God's own time and till then the person who made the choice to love in spite of all can be assured that that love is not going to fail them !!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Raphael:

There is no such thing as an automatic annulment.

I am not really sure what you are asking. The Church does all it can to help a married couple who need help with their marriages. Catholic Charities provides marital counseling, there are marriage enrichment weekends, and a lot more.

Automatic excommunications only apply to about eleven [nine] sins that are, on their face, so egregious to the faith that the act of the sin itself excommunicates the person without the Church having to make a formal declaration.

A marriage between a baptized man and woman is, on its face, presumed Sacramental unless proven otherwise. There is no sin, even adultery, that makes a marriage unSacramental. If the marriage was Sacramental on the Wedding Day then it remains Sacramental and binds the couple until one of them dies -- no matter what sins are committed. Adultery, domestic violence, and the such can be clues in some cases that the marriage was never Sacramental, but that alone does not make it so. There must be a Tribunal to examine all of the evidence, and then with the help of the Holy Spirit, determine if the marriage was Sacramental or not. If indeed the marriage was not Sacramental, then a Decree of Nullity is issued.

There are some situations concerning marriages that are sent to Rome. In addition, if one  party to the marriage wishes to, they may appeal a Declaration of Nullity to Rome.

I hope this answers your question.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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