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witchcraft Deb Sunday, May 31, 2009


I heard Father Euteneuer speaking on and he mentioned twice, in two different talks, about witchcraft "bouncing" off a person and returning to sender. Is this true? If a person has a witchcraft curse taken off him/her, does it return to the sender?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Deb:

Yes, it is true that oftentimes it is the spell-caster or curse-maker who becomes the victim of his own spell/curse. The devil is a liar and he messes with everyone, including his own human servants, especially his own human servants, because he is by his evil nature vindictive and cruel.

For the spell/curse caster it may well be true that the devil may reek revenge against his servant if the spell/curse does not harm the intended target. Spells and curses, however, do not have lives of it own, as if it is some object that bounces around like a ball. The force and engine of a spell or curse is the devil's actions in response to the spell or curse.

A prayer asks God for something. A blessing asks God to bring grace to someone. The devil as his versions of prayers and blessings -- these include spells and curses. A spell is like a prayer, in this case asking the devil to do something. A curse is the opposite of a blessing as it asks the devil to bring evil upon the person.

Thus, a spell or curse is not actually "bouncing", that is just a euphenism. It is rather that the devil will inflict harm to the spell/curse caster when the spell/curse is unsuccessful, or at any other time the devil wishes.

While innocent people may be and are victims of spells and curses these attempts to bring down evil or use evil on someone are "often unsuccessful for many reasons," according to exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth, "because God does not allow the evil, or the intended victim is a person of deep prayer and union of God."

Father Amorth continues, "Additionally, many sorcerers are inexperienced or unable to follow through; others are simply swindlers; or the devil himself, 'liar from the beginning', as the Gospel brands him, fools his own servants."

It should be noted, however, as Fr. Amorth reminds us, "It would be a most grave error to live in fear of falling victim to a hex [or curse or spell]. The Bible never tells us to fear the devil; instead we are told to resist him in the certainty that he will flee from us (James 4:7) and to remain watchful against his attacks, by remaining firm in our faith (1 Peter 5:9)."

The bottomline is that the closer we are in intimacy and union with God, the less likely a curse or spell will effect us, but that is not a 100% guarantee, as God may permit it to test our faith, or for some other good purpose that He judges we need.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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