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Could this be the Holy Spirit. Jeannie Sunday, June 7, 2009


Brother Ignatius Mary:

I am a returning Catholic of 13 years, about 7 years into my return I began to fall away again falling into old habits sex ,alcohol. I was very unhappy so after missing an Easter Season and Divine Mercy Sunday, I went to the nearest Catholic Church and prayed to the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary my birthday is August 15, I begged Our Lady not to let go. I knew I had to go to confession. Which I did.

I went home and immediately things began to happen. I felt a very real experience of something being extracted from me several times. This was six and a half years ago and during that time I have had the experience of each day of my body being vibrated and each time I am in front of the Blessed Sacrament I feel a strange pull from the top of my head as if the top of my head is being pulled toward the crucifix or the tabernacle. I also immediately stopped praying out loud.

I have a young priest who is my Spiritual Director. I told him everything about my childhood and the experience. My Spiritual Director has had me checked out by a therapist who told him that I am in good mental and emotional shape even though I had a very difficult childhood.

I am about to lose my Spiritual Director and am worried about no guidance. Brother Ignatius could I be having an experience with the Holy Spirit. All I can think about in this matter is what Father Groeschel says that if someone tells you that they are having a Mystical Experience "HEAD FOR THE HILLS."

P.S. I failed to relate to you that on occasion I feel a spirit passing through me after shaking someones hands, hugging or close contact. Sometimes quickly and sometimes it seems to take a long period of time. I have never been harmed but have had some words come out of me during that time that I personally would not use. Especially one time while watching Pope Benedict in the Holy Land a hissing and shaking my hands at the television in anger.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Jeannie:

Well, from my experience and knowledge I do not believe the Holy Spirit acts in this way as to pull you from the top of the head toward the tabernacle or anywhere else, or of vibrating your body. The Holy Spirit does things for a reason. What reason would there be for Him to give you odd experiences?

It is also not consistent with how the Holy Spirit acts, in my view, to "pass through" you when shaking hands, hugging, or close contact.

I think something else is going on. If the problem is not psychiatric, then perhaps the problem is a spirit or spirits not of God.

I would suggest you follow the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance linked below, and use the Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, also linked below. There are many prayers in the Catalog that may be useful to you, especially the Hedge Prayer of Protection, Renunciation of sins, breaking of spells and curses, etc.

If using the self-help methods do not seem to help with this experience, then you may need to contact us through the HELP REQUEST FORM linked at the bottom of the HELP page. If the Help Request form is turned off, then try back later.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.