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A certain priest... Matt Thursday, September 2, 2004


Brother Ignatius,

This question deals mostly with the liturgy and should probably be in the "liturgy" QandA section, but to be honest I would prefer your answer (no offense whatsoever to Mr. Slavek).

My church has a certain priest (who is also a psychologist) that comes every now and then to perform Mass. His homilies are great and everyone loves him for it. My only objection to this man is the way he performs the liturgy. His liturgy and the liturgy the Church has laid out are almost two different things and no one seems to notice or care.

A few examples would be instead of "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," Its changed to "Father, Brother, and Friend." Another would be instead of "The Lord be with you," its changed to "The Lord is with you." And even another, at the end of Mass, its changed from "This Mass has ended. Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord," to "The Mass never ends; it is to be lived out. Let us go fourth to love and serve the Lord and each other." During the Our Father, he even comes into the congregation to hold hands after explicitly saying "Let us now hold hands and pray the prayer our brother taught us."
He also seems to have a distorted view on the teaching of salvation. He pretty much spelled out the Protestant explanation word for word. And lastly, when consecrating the bread and wine, his words are "And so Father we bring you these gifts of bread and wine, and of ourselves and each other..." This almost makes it seems like hes consecrating the laity as well as the bread and wine. Does this make communion invalid?

Why would this priest do it this way. I dont understand why some priests just dont do it the way its supposed to be done. Whenever I talk to my parents about it, they say "Dont be more Catholic than the Church" in which I reply "Youre not being Catholic enough." What can I do?! Sorry for the long question, its just been bothering me a lot. -Matt

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Matt:

This is the right forum. Your question is not really about the liturgy, it is about a rebellious priest and what to do about it.

If this priest is doing what you have outlined then that priest is in serious rebellion against the Church. It also sounds like his Masses may not be valid.

You are not being more Catholic than the Church by your concerns over this. The CHURCH says that the liturgy is to be done "as written" and not changed by the priest. The CHURCH says that you and I have a RIGHT to expect the liturgy to be done properly. The CHURCH says that we have the right to complain to the bishop, for example, about issues like this.

Thus, concern over this errant priest IS BEING CATHOLIC.

You need to take precise and accurate notes on what the Priest is saying. Then get a copy of the document that says that the liturgy cannot be changed, even by a priest. Then confront the priest privately. Explain your concern in a business-like manner; do not be emotional or accusatory. Do not argue with him. Merely ask him about why he is making these changes when the Church says he is not to do so.

Carefully write down his answer.

If the Priest does not stop this, your next step is to write a very business-like letter to the Bishop that includes your notes of what the Priest has said and express your concerns for the Faithfull and your concern that the Mass may not be valid.

After that, the ball is in the bishop's court.

Continue to pray for the conversion of this priest.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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