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Eucharist fell on the floor Christina Saturday, November 17, 2012


Tonight at Mass when the Priest administered the Host it hit my tooth and fell to the floor. I was mortified and didn't know what to do. I figured I would wait for the Priest to do something. (He would know the correct protocol). However, in a split second (felt more like forever) the woman behind me jumped in and picked the Host up off the floor while saying "I got it". Then she said, while looking at the Priest "I'll take it", before she was to put it in her mouth. The Priest in his stern but warm look motioned with a tilt of his head; in essence saying without words that the Host belongs to me. So, she offered it to me by saying "the body of Christ", I said, again the "Amen".

Brother Ignatius, was it up to me to pick up the Host? The Priest was a little slow in responding and now I think that maybe I should have picked the Host up myself. After all, I did say "Amen" so technically the Host had been administered to me and is mine.

Also, the line continued and I thought that was rather strange. Everyone walking over where the Host had fallen. I would think that the area should have been sectioned off for a proper cleaning. What do you think?

What is the procedure to follow when this happens?

Thank you for your answer.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Christina:

The Sacred Host falling to the floor happens from time to time. When it happens preferably the priest or deacon, or the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, whoever is distributing the Sacred Host, should retrieve the Sacred Host immediately. The communicant, however, can also retrieve the fallen Sacred Host. Unless the Sacred Host is unsuitable for consumption due to being on the floor, it should be consumed immediately. Anyone can consume the retrieved Sacred Host.

In my opinion, however, the woman who pick up the Sacred Host, really should not have presented the Host to you as if she was an extraordinary minister. If you wished to receive on the tongue, then she should give the Sacred Host to the priest or extraordinary minister and then he present the Sacred Host to you again. If you receive in the hand (which is an extraordinary form), then the woman could have simply given the Sacred Host to you (without saying "The body of Christ", etc.

If consumption of the Sacred Host is not possible or is not prudent for any reason, then the Priest can isolate the Sacred Host to rinse it down the sacarium (a special sink in the sacristy that empties directly to the ground under the Church) after Holy Mass.

The priest or extraordinary minister needs to take care to ensure that no particles remain on the floor. If there are any particles, then a linen needs to be placed over the area where the Host fell to make sure no one steps on it. Then, after Mass the area needs to be cleaned with water and the water disposed in a sacarium. 

If any of the Blood is spilled on the floor, again a linen should be placed over it to avoid people stepping on it, then as soon as possible the area needs to be cleaned with water, and the water drained into the sacarium.

The water in which the Host was dissolved, or in which the floor was cleaned where the Blood was spilled, is never to be poured into a drain that goes into the sewer system. It is always to be drained into the sacarium.

This is not a trivial issue, thus the communion line should be halted until the Sacred Host is retrieved, and, if necessary, a linen placed over the area when there are particles remaining on the floor. The same for the line for the blood. The line should be halted until the spilled blood can properly cleaned or be covered with a linen.

Unfortunately, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are often not taught what to do in situations like this. It is the pastor's duty to ensure the extraordinary ministers are fully informed and trained on this issues.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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