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Holy water container disposed improperly Rose Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Dear Brother, May God Bless you with many graces.

In my careless management of the dining kitchen I accidentally disposed of a soda lid that I had used to put some Epiphany water in. I had intended to go through the rubbish before putting it out and had been tardy and failed to check where this lid was before my husband threw it in a larger garbage bin. I had a cursory look and was unable to find the lid. I have not gone through all the rubbish to find it. The garbage has not been collected yet.

Should I go through it properly to find the lid, or just not worry and let it go in the council rubbish or should I make a big hole at the bottom of the garden ad throw all the rubbish in it rather than letting it go in the council garbage.

Also, if I have disposed of buried holy objects or blessed items or things of the opposite nature in the garden previously, do I need to retrieve these things before selling a property if there is a strong prospect they will be dug up and disposed of inappropriately by the new owner.

Is it an offense against God for Holy water a tissue used to mop it up or its containers to end up in the rubbish? With prayer and gratitude.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Rose:

I am not sure what you mean about a soda lid. Ideally a soda life should not be use to dip into Holy Water to transfer to another container, if that is what you did. In any event this soda lid is not like the Blessed Sacrament whereby a sacrilege is committed by doing something like that. In my opinion, you do not have to go looking for the lid. Just say a prayer to God about it.

As for items buried in your back yard, a blessed scapular, let's say, the scapular, or rosary, or whatever should first be broken up. Once it no longer resembles the intact scapular or rosary the blessing attached to it is removed. We bury it in respect, but the blessing is no longer there. Same with cursed objects. Once destroyed the curse no longer exists.

Thus, in disposing of any blessed object, it should be cut apart, dismantled, burned, sawed in two, or otherwise made to not resemble the intact item, and then buried. It is no longer blessed so it does not matter if it is dug up by a new owner of the property.

There are times when a blessed object is buried, such as in the house blessing we have in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog. In that ritual blessed Benedictine medals are buried in the four corners of the property as a sort of no trespassing sign to demons.

If the Benedictine medals, in my example, were dug up, it is likely it would not even be noticed among the dirt. In ant event, we can leave that sort of thing up to God.

In terms of the superstition of burying a St. Joseph statue to sell a home, that is improper as it is shear superstition, and should not be done in the first place.

I hope that answers your questions.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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