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The Warm Presence Alexandra Tuesday, May 31, 2016



How are you?

I mention a while back how my grandma was dying from bowel cancer. Well she passed away on 21 of May. With family with her. I have a few questions when we were there for the burial and the priest was there. I felted a warm feeling behind my neck and then it went away.

When my grandad passed away 4 years ago I was at home I rang mum what's happening with grandad. She didn't told me on the phone that grandad die but she told me to find a pray. So I pray to God to find a pray for grandad on the net. I did and funny enough I felted this big warm presence behind me. I even turn around asking "Is that you grandad or God?" I said my pray for my grandad and the warm presence went away.

Also 5 years ago I was studying and I knew this guy that was let's say shouldn't of got himself involed with occult stuff. I did wonder if he was making it up for attention. Though I spoke to some other person and they said yeah they told them the same thing. Anyway I was on the phone to this guy and got the bible out and read some verses and suddenly as I was saying this stuff I was felted power and I swear.! I felted a warm finger touched the back of my neck. It went away.

But I was wondering do you have any answers to this warm feeling and the warm finger that touched the back of my neck?

My fiancée whenever we go to church we'll ever since he was a child he would get shivers. Not because the church was cold. He says even saying prays he gets shivers.
I was wondering what does that mean?

My sister on the other hand can pick up things if a house is haunted. She says she gets a pain feeling down her lower back. When we went to say rosary beads for my grandma at the church she said it was creepy. I mean yes my grandma in the coffin was open. But she said she felted a pain down her lower back. She knows if someone dies in a house or if feels someone was absued in a house. She hates the feeling and avoids it.

I hope you have a good day or good night when you get this email

God bless

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Alexandra:

I am sorry for the loss of your grandma. I will pray for her repose.

You ask a number of questions.

1) As for the first of feeling a warm presence or touch t the burial of your loved one, or soon after the death of a loved one, this sort of thing is not uncommon. There are times when God seems to allow the the dead loved one to say a final goodbye. This warm feeling or touch may have been that. Your grandparents were saying a final goodbye and a "I love you, it will be all right." 

2) On the phone with that guy when you were sharing your faith, a similar event probably occurred. The warm finger touching you may have need a loved one, or may have been the Holy Spirit encouraging you in your efforts to share the faith with this man.

3) As for your fiancée's shivers, I do not know enough information to really know what is going on, but there are people who are so effected by the grace of God that they cry during Mass or in prayer. Perhaps this is similar. Your fiancée may be experiencing a profound sensitivity and wondrous awe of the grace of God.

4) It is possible that your sister as a sensitivity about these things. But, if she hates and avoids the feeling, that is probably not it. Given that she hates and avoids this, she needs to ask God to take it away. She may also need to rebuke the demon behind this experience. There is a rebuking prayer in our Spiritual Warfare Catalog: Rebuking Particular Spirits

I hope this helps.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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