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Communication with the Virgin Mary, Saints & Archangels Ioanna Monday, February 27, 2017


Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,

As a Catholic, do I need to pray the rosary, ask the Virgin Mary, the Saints and Archangels to pray for me to be a true Catholic? I know that God is a very jealous God and there is nothing worse than his wrath.

I have had very bad experiences with venerating the Virgin Mary, the Saints, etc. I will NEVER have another statue or icon in my house because I had demonic spirits that manifested and they killed my father. The demons left when I got rid of the Virgin Mary statue and icons. Unfortunately, one of my neighbors took my father's Virgin Mary statue and her health decreased significantly instantly! She has had a series of misfortunes as well since possessing this statue.

I have no problem with the Catholic Church but I want to be on the safe side and not bring God's wrath on me for idolatry.

Finally, you mentioned that you were a Baptist. Were you a Calvinist, if so a five point? What made you leave the Baptist faith?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), LTh, DD

Dear Ioanna:

I m sorry to hear about your trouble, buy the veneration or Mary and the Saints, and the statues and icons were not the source of your problems.

The statues and icons are material objects, inanimate objects, and cannot hurt anyone. It is possible that these objects were cursed and thus may have had demons attached to them. Having the objects blessed would have removed any demons attached to them.

You need not fear any blessed object.

If you were attacked while praying to Mary and the Saints, the prayer is also not the problem. What can happen is that demons can attack you to try to convince you to stop praying. If you stop praying because of this then you have let the devil win.

God is not a jealous and wrathful God. He is a loving and merciful God. You need not fear Him. Praying to the Mary and the Saints, and using blessed objects such as statues and icons to aid your faith is something that God wants you to do.

You do not have to pray the rosary or pray to Mary and the Saints, or use blessed objects, to be Catholic, but you will be praying to Mary and the Saints every time you attend Mass. Such prayers are part of every Mass.

Besides, to not talk to Mary and the Saints is like going to your father's house and ignoring your mother, brothers, sisters, and other relatives. It is rather rude.

To not use bless objects is like refusing gifts from your father. It is also rude.

Any objects, such as statues and icons, are perfect good and safe to use. Just have your local priest bless them. Blessed objects in the house help to ward off at least some demons.

If you are having spiritual warfare problems, that is, demonic problems, do not throw away the tools God has given us to defend ourselves against the devil -- such as praying to the saints, and the use of blessed object. You need those things more than ever to defend yourself.

Concerning the demonic issues, I suggest your follow the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance, and use prayers from our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog (such as the Hedge Prayer of Protection).

We are praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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