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Tongues Tom Thursday, November 29, 2007



I have been investigating the gift of tongues and I came upon your web site. Can you answer some of the following questions?

1.) If the gift of tongues is so "unimportant" then why is it mentioned more than any other in the Acts of the Apostles? It seems that EVERY time a new group of believers is identified and prayed over, the gift of tongues is released.

2.) You claim that St. Paul admonishes us to speak in a language known by men, instead of tongues. Why then does he say, "Would that you ALL spoke in tongues?"

3.) Where in scripture or Tradition do you find a reference that the "Charism Gift of Tongues" is different than "praying in tongues" and only means praying in a language other than your own?

4.) Why does St. Paul say, "If I speak in the tongues of men and 'angels', but have not love, I am nothing"? Does that not imply that one can speak in human and angelic tongues?

5.) Why do you suggest to the poor young man who told you he received this gift while in Adoration, that he could be influenced by the devil? What would the devil accomplish by giving the gift of tongues? Can the devil manipulate our bodies to do what we do not want to?

If you are interested in doing further research on the charismatic aspect of our faith, please consider reading "Sober Intoxication of the Spirit" by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa (available at, or the text of the letter from John Paul II to the Charismatic Renewal in, I believe, 1998. You can go to and enter the site in English. A search box is at the top right corner, search for: “Speech of the Holy Father Pope John Paul II Meeting with Ecclesial Movements and New Communities.” (this document is the second result in the search results).

He states:
“Whenever the Spirit intervenes, he leaves people astonished. He brings about events of amazing newness; he radically changes persons and history. This was the unforgettable experience of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council during which, under the guidance of the same Spirit, the Church rediscovered the charismatic dimension as one of her constitutive elements: "It is not only through the sacraments and the ministrations of the Church that the Holy Spirit makes holy the people, leads them and enriches them with his virtues. Allotting his gifts according as he wills (cf. 1 Cor 12:11), he also distributes special graces among the faithful of every rank....He makes them fit and ready to undertake various tasks and offices for the renewal and building up of the Church" The institutional and charismatic aspects are co-essential as it were to the Church's constitution. They contribute, although differently, to the life, renewal and sanctification of God's People.”

I am interested to read your comments.
In His Peace,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Tom:

I have written an extensive essay about the Charismatic experience that is part of the Rule of St. Michael.

I'll refer you to that essay for our position on this phenomena. You need to read that before asking any questions.

The essay is entitled, "All About Spiritual Gifts" (this is a PDF file).

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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