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Spiritual Warfare Forum

Due to the death of Brother Ignatius, this forum is no longer accepting new questions. Please remember to pray for the repose of his soul.

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Question Title Posted By Question Date
Alarming Habits Lyn 5/21/2011
demonic possession and mental illness Gregory 5/17/2011
More demonic harassment Ryan 5/15/2011
Fortune cookies Joseph 5/15/2011
Large Blessed Divine Mercy image, to counter negative Pia 5/4/2011
reiki Serenna 5/1/2011
Dangrs.YouTube Vids/Get Rid of Effects of spells & hexs Joseph 5/1/2011
Unbound Mario 4/27/2011
Ghost and Paranormal TV shows Alex 4/27/2011
Rare books on the Occult Irene 4/26/2011
Praying for Occultists Deanna 4/26/2011
Is Tai-Chi a safe activity for Catholics Irene 4/16/2011
Can there be a demonic element involved in stuttering? ELIZABETH 4/5/2011
Touched by great love at the moment of death Phoenix 4/5/2011
Is the voice spiritual? Resi 4/5/2011
Please pray for me George 4/1/2011
Re:heavy metal/rock music ron 3/28/2011
How do I know I am being called Tj M 3/28/2011
Demonic Items? Maria 3/28/2011
Hell and The Devil Xavier 3/26/2011
two steps forward 2 back Laurie 3/23/2011
Alleged demonic presences Ryan 3/23/2011
Culpability & Ignorance Alex 3/22/2011
Heavy metal/rock music Jacob 3/21/2011
What are dreams? Gabi 3/19/2011
Spiritual Darkness Janine 3/16/2011
attacks from evil spirits Floriane 3/16/2011
Godparents Elizabeth 3/10/2011
sadness ellana 3/7/2011
Re Hypnotist Kelly 3/3/2011
My lost Children Josephine 2/27/2011
re: Hypnotist Kelly 2/26/2011
Anxiety Mel 2/26/2011
Voice of Mary? Kathy 2/23/2011
Possessed babies Marielle 2/22/2011
Hypnotist Kelly 2/19/2011
addressing demon Jen 2/19/2011
daughter and friends plan to summon Bill 2/18/2011
Ancestral curses and generational healing ray 2/15/2011
Gift of Discernment? Pauline 2/14/2011
Neil Lozano George 2/14/2011
I am afraid that I opened a door ann 2/13/2011
Demons and sacramnetal Debbie 2/12/2011
possession and death Marielle 2/8/2011
Mubarak and Egypt and transfer of power ellana 2/7/2011
Oppressed by evil Mary 2/6/2011
restorative justice Sherri 2/6/2011
The Rite ( Movie) Debbie 2/4/2011
Trying to Understand Cecilia 2/2/2011
Please pray for my unborn child George 1/27/2011
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