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Spiritual Warfare Forum

Due to the death of Brother Ignatius, this forum is no longer accepting new questions. Please remember to pray for the repose of his soul.

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Question Title Posted By Question Date
different types of evil stacey 6/17/2008
Fearful that Barack Obama is one of Satan's Minions Sabreena 6/16/2008
Spirit/stronghold of self pity and over sensitivity Joan 6/16/2008
Is this spiritual attack? Daniella 6/15/2008
what to do if holy things are occasions of sin Farnaz 6/14/2008
Curse Joseph 6/11/2008
Could an upset psyhic harm a person? Paul 6/10/2008
Can't control my temper Maria 6/9/2008
Message from the dead David 6/4/2008
Demonic voices John 6/3/2008
Horrible images appearing Janet 6/1/2008
Can ghost hunting shows open up doors? debbie 5/29/2008
excruitiating stomach aches before prayer or in adoration Kathleen 5/28/2008
Evolution and Christians Lorenzo 5/26/2008
healing of personality disorder , by use of warfare prayers Leah 5/25/2008
My Parish and New Age Susan 5/24/2008
Bohemian Grove Patrick 5/24/2008
Houdini/spirtism Jay M. 5/20/2008
husband and porn Julie 5/20/2008
Black fuzz? Jeremy 5/20/2008
Native American Religion Flower 5/19/2008
servant indulging in witchcraft deepak 5/19/2008
The demon of cigarette smoking Marsilio 5/18/2008
VERICHIP Michael 5/17/2008
The Fall of the Angels? Thomas 5/17/2008
Dreams, spiritual warfare Amra 5/17/2008
Afraid to confess and it's keeping me from God Kimberly 5/14/2008
Oppressed? James 5/12/2008
Please can you help me? Crys 5/11/2008
catholic versus protestant deliverance stacey 5/9/2008
vampires Lynda 5/2/2008
TV show -A Haunting- Trevor 4/28/2008
Imprecatory and deprecatory delivrance prayers NICK 4/28/2008
spirit presence Mary 4/28/2008
Am I possessed? Holly 4/25/2008
Glad you like the prayer Doris 4/24/2008
What are Kathy 4/24/2008
Correspondence with a Priest Joe 4/23/2008
Praying in tongues in public at Catholic Charismatics Renewal Prayer sessions Beth 4/23/2008
Tarot Cards Giovanna 4/23/2008
charismatic prophesying and divination stacey 4/23/2008
How to dispose of a book Tom 4/22/2008
Advice re: Pope Leo XIII prayer and query on another prayer DorisLe 4/21/2008
More phenomena during Mass Rosanna 4/21/2008
Is there such a thing as a Tom 4/20/2008
Intercessory Prayer Carol 4/20/2008
spiritual harassment stacey 4/20/2008
Faith issues / OCD or demonic oppression? Scott 4/18/2008
John Edwards (Catholic?) prayer book John 4/17/2008
Coincidence Layla 4/17/2008
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